Local prosecuting authorities have recognized and reacted to the new law, but as explained in the article the Texas Farm Bill has potentially farther reaching affects. https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2019-07-12/possession-of-small-amounts-of-marijuana-effectively-decriminalized-in-travis-county/

Bill proposed to reduce some marijuana penalties in Texas to fines


Some law enforcement officials joined House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee Chairman Joe Moody, (D-El Paso), at the State Capitol Thursday to show support for a bill that would reduce penalties for low-level marijuana possession.HB 81 would replace the th

Here is the CBS segment that aired today discussing House Bill 81 with David Bass, a veteran who fears arrest for self medicating, and myself, discussing how a civil fine for possession is a move in the right direction towards legalizing marijuana. http://keyetv.com/news/local/bill-proposed-to-reduce-some-marijuana-penalties-in-texas-to-fines

Texas legislators file bills aimed at decriminalizing marijuana


A handful of new states legalized marijuana on Election Day, so could Texas be next?

I was just interviewed by CBS for 6 o'clock news tonight to discuss House Bill 81, which would decriminalize marijuana possession under an ounce in Texas, and practical implications of such a law on the criminal courts, law enforcement, and the citizens of Texas. Other bills are being introduced and the article below outlines some of them... http://www.khou.com/news/local/texas/texas-legislators-file-bills-aimed-at-decriminalizing-marijuana/352318396

Williamson Co. changes policy for some caught with marijuana


As part of the cite and release program, if you’re caught with an invalid license or marijuana under two ounces, you won’t automatically be sent to jail.

About time...the law has been on the books for a while and Travis County was the only county regularly doing cite and release for possession of marijuana. It saves families money, saves the county money, protects police, and keeps police on the streets policing. Good on you Wilco! http://kxan.com/2016/09/27/williamson-co-relaxes-punishment-for-people-caught-with-marijuana/

Texas Cannabis Company Looks to Grow with State's Compassionate Use Act


It's been called the "green rush." As marijuana laws relax across the country, dispensaries are popping up to cash in on the new industry.

From cotton gin to marijuana dispensary, it could be the first in Texas... http://www.twcnews.com/tx/austin/news/2016/07/5/texas-cannabis-company-looks-to-grow-with-state-s-compassionate-use-act.html?cid=facebook_TWC_News_Austin